Knowing What is Important for You and Your Child
Insider’s View Childcare Consulting is the provider of choice for those seeking reliable support and direction in the selection of childcare, resulting in their ability to make the right choice, with confidence. The client is empowered through their education with Insider’s View Childcare Consulting, and comprehensively considers all aspects of a childcare setting prior to selection of the optimal setting.
The purpose of Insider’s View Childcare Consulting is to provide an educational platform for consultation with caregivers to support focused selection of childcare services predicated on their precise needs. The company creates awareness of and adherence to quality standards and advises clients on the optimal childcare settings for their children. We will advise clients on considerations for observation and inquiry during their search, and conduct in-person and/or teleconsulting services. Insider’s View Childcare Consulting will provide coaching and tools driven from diverse informational resources such as our exclusive database, state, federal and provider resources, phone calls, email communications, facility tours, and literature. We will not endorse or denounce any childcare program but rather educate the client on what to consider.
High-quality childcare is one of the most critical decisions for caregivers who require childcare.
Educating caregivers to demand and expect the best quality of care for their child based on an informed decision.
Caregivers have the right to ask questions to providers and to expect and demand honest answers regarding daily operations and policies.
Caregivers require more than a provider's sales pitch. Interviews and tours of proposed providers can be guided by an industry expert who will point out the potential benefits, issues, and concerns that exist within each specific setting under consideration.
It is essential for caregivers to know what occurs behind closed doors of their childcare setting including but not limited to staff, safety, security, discipline, and physical and emotional care.